Jordan Crenshaw
Senior Vice President, C_TEC, U.S. Chamber of Commerce


September 17, 2021


In September, President Biden nominated Alvaro Bedoya, privacy activist and head of Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology, to replace outgoing Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioner Rohit Chopra. Just two days later, the Commission by a 3-2 vote adopted a policy statement extending privacy notification requirements for some health apps and connected devices. In a dissenting statement, Commissioner Noah Phillips asserted that the Commission’s new policy “end runs not one but two ongoing rulemaking processes and relies on a convoluted interpretation to apply civil penalties to a broad swatch of conduct never contemplated by Congress.”

These privacy developments are not isolated but are a continuation of a broader series of actions that circumvent Congress and transparency principles:

  • In July, the White House issued its Executive Order on Competition, calling on the FTC to conduct a rulemaking about data privacy.
  • Meanwhile, the FTC held its first “open meeting,” in which it listened to public comment after voting on a measure to consolidate and streamline its Magnusson-Moss Rulemaking authority to the Chair. Magnusson-Moss Rulemaking by Congressional design is intentionally slow to prevent out-of-control regulation. The minority Commissioners objected to these procedural changes on the grounds that they “undercut the independence of those charged with conducting evidentiary hearings, limit valuable input from the public, and reverse decades of practice regarding agency transparency.” Conversely, in that very same open meeting, Commissioner Slaughter called for using the new procedures to “tackle cutting edge issues like data…” She has also this summer proposed that the FTC regulate artificial intelligence.
  • Finally, the House of Representatives is considering as part of its massive partisan reconciliation package the creation of a $500 million privacy bureau and making fundamental changes to how the Commission can enforce all kinds of other consumer protection issues—without ever having passed a comprehensive privacy law.

Why does this matter? Across the country, a patchwork of differing state data privacy laws is emerging, setting up a difficult compliance regime for small businesses. This year, Virginia and Colorado respectively adopted the second and third comprehensive privacy laws in the nation. States like Connecticut, Florida, Oklahoma, and Washington passed legislation in at least one chamber of their statehouses but failed because they included private rights of action. Another 22 states and the District of Columbia also considered bills. 2022 is also expected to be just as active a year in state capitals. California is also undergoing a major rulemaking this year to be completed by the new California Privacy Protection Agency, which will add to the requirements businesses already have to follow under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) estimated to cost small businesses $50,000 each to comply. A new enforcement bureau with new enforcement rights, which CBO estimates could cost industry at least $3.6 billion combined with new privacy rules exacerbates this patchwork immensely.

The solution is simple—Congress should enact a national privacy law that protects all Americans equally, regardless of where they live and do business. There should be one clear and robust set of rules established by Congress and not by regulatory agencies assuming powers without appropriate guardrails.

The Commission has established itself as the expert data protection agency in the United States, but funding and rulemaking for privacy at the Commission should be authorized by bipartisan, comprehensive legislation, not by jamming partisan proposals through the reconciliation process. The Chamber supports Representative Suzan Delbene’s (D-WA) Information Transparency & Personal Data Control Act, which gives the Commission reasonable rulemaking authority, increase funding and staff, and leaves enforcement to the Commission and state attorneys general.

Congress must affirmatively work to give consumers control of personal data and prevent a federal and state patchwork that confuses consumers and harms small businesses.

About the authors

Jordan Crenshaw

Jordan Crenshaw

Crenshaw is Vice President of the Chamber Technology Engagement Center (C_TEC).

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